Tuesday, May 6, 2008

A similar project I conducted with A NGO

A project, an art peace, children, sea and what do you get? Well it is project organized by the Sunshine Charity (www.sunshinecharity.org). I had been trying to do an underwater mural with children for some time now as you all know www.unawatunasmiles.blogspot.com but I have run into some road blocks. I think that will happen by the end of April.

Back to this project, it had its ups and down but when you work with children, you know all will be cool in the end.

The Sunshine Charity had seen the project I had been working on and asked me to do it with some of their kids. In the course of three days we would try to get the children to love the ocean the way they did before and also teach them about fish and underwater life while at the same time transforming a daycare center into underwater art peace and making all this as much fun s possible .Thinking back about all this, I think it was a composited even in small leaves but the end result was that the kids had a blast and by the end of it all of them were in the sea with me playing on the sand and splashing about. My last count on the beach was 150 persons, that’s including help.

If some of you are wondering how we ended up in the sea, the reason is that when I asked the children when was the last time they had visted the sea, most of them said last December and some even long before that. I got the permission to take them in two groups, small and big. The pix you see are from the small ones. I did not shoot the big ones, but will get some on soon! That time with the small children in the sea, with our hands in the water was the best moment for me, looking at the way they reacted to the waves and how happy it made them, priceless! Even though some of the small ones were even crying at the start and did not want to go close to the water by the end all of them were full on playing and trying to jump in. We had a time trying to not let them !

The sunshine Charity are going to make some cards of the paintings and sell it all over the world the raises funds for them, if this interests you then visit the web page, NO! Actually make an effort and see what you can do to help.
I do hope all of you will join me in the “Smiles at Unawatuna” www.unawatunasmiles.blogspot.com
Till then keep smiling!
Keep shining !

Location: Trincomalee District, Eastern Province -SL.

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